The general scheme of the operation

The general scheme of interaction between merchant and Internet Payment System Assist (IPS Assist) is shown on the picture:

  1. The customer creates the order on the pages of the merchant's web-shop. The new order number, the payment amount and the currency are assigned to order in the enterprise's system. The customer is being redirected to the payment pages of IPS Assist with necessary payment parameters after pressing the «Buy» button.
  2. The Order with unique number (billnumber) and passed parameters is created in IPS Assist after receiving the authorization request. Personal data (the order parameters) can be provided within the request or prompted on the IPS Assist payment pages.
  3. The customer choices the way of payment (bankcard, electronic wallet ...). This creates the operation in IPS Assist. The first operation is a payment operation. The customer provides the payment details and presses «Pay» button. The payment amount and currency are defined depending of provided value of the original amount, the original currency of the order, and the merchant and the processing settings.
  4. The transaction is being created in the IPS Assist after receiving and defining all payment details. The created transaction is being sent to the processing center. Depending on the replay from the processing center (successfully or not the authorization has passed) the transaction, the operation and the order in the IPS Assist change their status. After successful payment operation the order status became «Approved». There can be only one successful payment operation in the order.
  5. The IPS Assist sends the financial transactions to the processing center by the all successful payment operations, 

     It is possible to work with some processing centers according to a scheme in which sending a financial transaction is not required (funds are debited from the customer's account in one stage). To discuss this possibility and its settings, please contact the support service at

  6. When it is necessary the merchant can cancel the order and return the money to the customer bankcard. For the order canceling the enterprise should initialize the cancel operation (it can be done from Account or by calling WEB-interface). The cancellation operation can be initialized either before or after financial the transaction (settlements) sending. The IPS Assist will automatically determine a type of transaction that should be created in each specific case.

The merchant can determine the order status in the IPS Assist using the Orders Monitor in Personal account and via the WEB-services.

Double-stage operation mechanism

  1. The buyer creates the order on the pages of the merchant's web-shop. The new order number, the payment amount and the currency are assigned to order in the enterprise's system. The buyer is being redirected to the payment pages of IPS Assist with necessary payment parameters after pressing the “Buy” button.
  2. The order with unique number (billnumber) and passed parameters is created in IPS Assist after receiving the authorization request. Personal data (the order parameters) can be provided within the request or prompted on the IPS Assist payment pages.
  3. The buyer choices the way of payment (bankcard, electronic wallet ...). This creates the operation in IPS Assist. The first operation is a payment operation. The buyer provides the payment details and presses «Pay» button. The payment amount and currency are defined depending of provided value of the original amount, the original currency of the order, and the enterprise and the processing settings.
  4. The transaction is being created in the IPS Assist after receiving and defining all payment details. The created transaction is being sent to the processing center. Depending on the replay from the processing center (successfully or not the authorization has passed) the transaction, the operation and the order in the IPS Assist change their status. After successful payment operation the order status became Delayed. There can be only one successful payment operation in the order.
  5. After successful finishing of the payment operation the enterprise can initialize the payment confirmation operation in case when the order was successfully completed (goods or services were provided to buyer, ticket was issued and etc.). The order gets the status Approved after the successful payment confirmation operation. The IPS Assist sends the financial transactions to the processing center by the all successful payment operations.
  6. When it is necessary the merchant can cancel the order and return the money to the buyer bankcard. For the order canceling the enterprise should initialize the cancel operation (it can be done from Account or by calling WEB-interface). The cancellation operation can be initialized ether before or after financial the transaction (settlements) sending. The IPS Assist will automatically determine a type of transaction which should be created in each specific case.

The merchant can determine the order status in the IPS Assist using the Orders Monitor in Personal account and via the web-services.

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