Accept payments

Apple Pay, Google Pay

Accept payments using Apple Pay and Google Pay

One Click

Accepting payments using saved card data (one-click payment)

Without redirecting

Accepting payments on the site without redirecting the customer to an external payment page (SilentPay)


Accepting payments on the site via iFrame

The “Settlement” system

Accepting payments using SSIS

Payment processing

Payment cancellation and cash return

Refunds to a customer card

Payment result

Receiving the payment result for display to the customer

Additional features

Page customization

Customization of the payment page appearance in the site style (individual design)

Regular payments

Scheduled payments without re-entering card data

Integration in CMS

Connection and setup of payment modules for CMS

Invoicing of bills

Billing a customer for payment

Assist logos ( download ) | Logos of payment systems ( download ) | Брендирование платежных страниц pay-сервисов Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay