The enterprise owner can check results of payments, which have been performed in the Internet store in IPS Assist via Personal account, section "Orders monitor".

In Personal account you can also subscribe for notification letters on the results of executed operations to be sent to your e-mail, activate a service for sending daily registers in files, set up the synchronized payments results dispatch to the enterprise server.

In addition, you can use Web service and get the order payment results in the response to IPS Assist server request.

Attention! In order to avoid possible financial losses the enterprise should check that the order data from own system corresponds to the payment authorization data received by any of the described above methods. It is extremely important to pay attention to the payment amount and payment mode (test or operating mode).

We strongly recommend to use the order signature or checkvalue upon the transmission of authorization request for the order creation. The enterprise also should check the checkvalue upon receive the replay from the web-service for obtaining the status by order number or the request for the operations results by the order number, or the operations results within a specified period or while receiving the result of the payment on the enterprise's server.