A hidden payment mode, when all data about the order, about the customer, about the payment method and payment means are transmitted directly by the merchant, can be performed using a card or a token.
Transfer of payment parameters
To use this mode, the silentpay web service is provided.
URL for payment via silentpay :
Silentpay service parameters:
Name | Manda- | Accepted values | Default value | Description |
Merchant_ID | Yes | Number | Merchant identification number in IPS Assist | |
Login | Yes | String | Service Login | |
Password | Yes | String | Password | |
OrderNumber | Yes/No | 128 symbols | Order number (order identification on the merchant side) | |
OrderAmount | Yes | Number, 15 digits, two digits after the delimiter (delimiter '.') | Payment amount (ex.: 10.34) | |
OrderCurrency | No | 3 symbols | Default currency of enterprise or merchant | Order currency code (for OrderAmount value) Ex.: RUB, USD, EUR and so on. |
OrderComment | No | 4000 symbols | Order comment | |
Delay | No | 0 – one stage payment, | 0 | Flag for selection of one or two payment stages |
Language | No | RU – Russian | Enterprise or merchant language | Language of payment pages |
ClientIP | No/Yes | IP-address of customer. IP-address of customer. The parameter is mandatory for the 3-D Secure protocol version 2. | ||
Cardtype | No | 1 – VISA | Card type | |
Cardnumber | Yes | Card number | ||
Cardholder | No* | 70 letters (no digits). Space as delimiter | Card-holder | |
Expiremonth | Yes | 1-12 | Card expiration month | |
Expireyear | Yes | Year in YYYY format | Card expiration year | |
Cvc2 | Yes | CVC2 code | ||
Lastname | No* | 70 letters (no digits) | Customer second name | |
Firstname | No* | 70 letters (no digits) | Customer first name | |
Middlename | No | 70 letters (no digits) | Customer middle name | |
No* | 128 symbols | E-mail of customer | ||
Address | No | 256 symbols | Customer address | |
HomePhone | No | 64 symbols | Customer home phone | |
WorkPhone | No | 20 symbols | Customer work phone | |
MobilePhone | No | 20 symbols | Customer mobile phone | |
Fax | No | 20 symbols | Customer fax number | |
Country | No | 3 symbols | Customer's country code | |
State | No | 3 symbols | Customer's region code | |
City | No | 70 symbols | Customer's city | |
Zip | No | 25 symbols | Customer's postal index | |
isConvert | No | 0 – don't convert to the base currency 1 - don't convert to the base currency if possible 2 – always convert to the base currency | 1 | Currency conversion indicator |
Format | No | 1 – CSV | 1 | Results format. If the request is sent in SOAP format, then the response will also be in SOAP, in other cases in accordance with the passed format value. |
Signature | No | String | The string is joined according to determined rules. Then the MD5 hash prepared from this string. Hash is signed by private RSA key of the merchant. Key length - 1024. Received bit sequence is a signature. Signature is transferred BASE64 coded string. Attention! The parameter is necessary in order to protect the transmitted data from the possibility of their substitution by intruders. You should also enable the setting for check value or signature in the Personal account. | |
RecurringIndicator | No | 1 –recurring payment 0 – standard payment | 0 | Recurring payment indicator |
RecurringMinAmount | No/Yes | Number, 15 digits, two digits after the delimiter (delimiter '.') | Minimum payment amount for recurring payments Mandatory when RecurringIndicator = 1 | |
RecurringMaxAmount | No/Yes | Number, 15 digits, two digits after the delimiter (delimiter '.') | Maximum payment amount for recurring payments Mandatory when RecurringIndicator = 1 | |
RecurringPeriod | No/Yes | 3 digits number | Recurring interval in days Mandatory when RecurringIndicator = 1 | |
RecurringMaxDate | No/Yes | Date in string representation DD.MM.YYYY | Finish date of recurring payments Mandatory when RecurringIndicator = 1 | |
CustomerNumber | No | 32 symbols | Merchant's internal customer identification | |
SaveCard | No | 1 - the card is stored to this customer number; 0 - the card is not stored. | 0 | This parameter permits to store the card to this client number for subsequent payments, if the current payment is successful. If this card for this client number already has been saved before, the parameter is ignored. |
Disable3DS | No | 0 - perform 3D-Secure authorization according to the merchant settings; 1 - fulfill payment without 3-D Secure. | 0 | Flag of disabling 3-D Secure. The use of this operating mode is possible in agreement with Assist. To configure it, you need to contact the support service (support@belassist.by). When using this parameter, it must also be added to the order signature, which is built according to determined rules . |
HTTP POST request example:
<FORM ACTION="https://SERVER-NAME/pay/silentpay.cfm " method="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Merchant_ID" VALUE="Your_merchant_ID"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Login" VALUE="Service login"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Password" VALUE="Password"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="OrderNumber" VALUE="011001-10"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="OrderAmount" VALUE="22"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="OrderCurrency" VALUE="RUB"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="OrderComment" VALUE="Order 011001-10"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Delay" VALUE="0"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="isConvert" VALUE="1"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Language" VALUE="RU"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ClientIP" VALUE="Customer IP address"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Cardtype" VALUE="Card type"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Cardnumber" VALUE="Card number"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Cardholder" VALUE="Card-holder"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Expiremonth" VALUE="Card expiration- month"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Expireyear" VALUE="Card expiration - year"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Cvc2" VALUE="CVC2 or CVV code"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Lastname" VALUE="Second name"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Firstname" VALUE="First name"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Middlename" VALUE="Middle name"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Email" VALUE="Email"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Address" VALUE="Customer address"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Homephone" VALUE="Customer home phone"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Workphone" VALUE="Customer work phone"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mobilephone" VALUE="Customer mobile phone"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Fax" VALUE="Customer fax number"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Country" VALUE="Customer's country"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="State" VALUE="Customer's region"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="City" VALUE="Customer's city"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Zip" VALUE="Customer postal index"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="TestMode" VALUE="Test mode"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Format" VALUE="Result format"> <INPUT TYPE="Submit"></FORM>
The service description for SOAP format can be found on page:
Returned values:
Name | Description |
ordernumber | Order number |
billnumber | IPS Assist bill number |
testmode | Test mode |
ordercomment | Comment |
orderamount | Original order amount |
ordercurrency | Original order currency |
amount | Payment amount |
currency | Payment currency |
rate | Currency rate |
firstname | Customer first name |
lastname | Customer second name |
middlename | Customer middle name |
ipaddress | IP-address of customer |
meantypename | Payment mean type |
meansubtype | Payment mean sub-type |
meannumber | Payment mean number |
cardholder | Payment mean holder |
cardexpirationdate | Card expired date |
issuebank | Issuer-Bank name |
bankcountry | Issuer-Bank country |
orderdate | Order date (GMT) |
orderstate | Order status |
responsecode | Return code |
message | Message |
customermessage | Message for customer |
recommendation | Recomendations |
approvalcode | Authorization code |
protocoltypename | Protocol |
processingname | Processing |
operationtype | Operation type |
packetdate | Request date (GMT) |
signature | Signature. It is created according to the following algorithm: 1) A combined string is created from the parameters (in their string representation, in the format as they are passed in the response): billnumber, ordernumber, responsecode, orderamount, ordercurrency, meannumber, approvalcode, orderstate, packetdate (without delimiters). |
pareq | 3D-Secure authorization request packet |
ascurl | URL for 3D-Secure authorization redirect |
There are performance limitations when using the service.
Request result will be provided according the requested format.
For CSV format:
Field name:field value Field name:field value....Field name:field value
For XML format:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <!DOCTYPE result [ <result firstcode='first code' secondcode='second code' count='objects count'> <orders><order> <ordernumber>Order number</ordernumber> <responsecode>Return code</responsecode> <recommendation>Recommendations</recommendation> <message>Message</message> <ordercomment>Comment</ordercomment> <orderdate>Payment date/time</orderdate> <amount>Payment amount</amount> <currency>Currency code</currency> <meantypename>Card type</meantype> <meannumber>Card Number</meannumber> <lastname>Second name</lastname> <firstname>First name</firstname> <middlename>Middle name</middlename> <issuebank>Issuer-Bank name</ issuebank > <email>E-mail</email> <bankcountry>Issuer-Bank country code</bankcountry> <rate>Currency rate</rate> <approvalcode>Authorization code</approvalcode> <meansubtype>Card sub-type</meansubtype> <cardholder>Card-holder</cardholder> <cardexpirationdate>Card expired date</cardexpirationdate> <ipaddress>IP-address</ipaddress> <protocoltypename>Protocol type</protocoltypename> <testmode>Test mode payment indicator</ testmode > <customermassage>Message for customer</customermassage > <orderstate>Order status</orderstate> <processingname>Processing name</ processingname> <operationtype>Operation type</operationtype> <billnumber>Bill number</billnumber> <orderamount>Original payment amount</orderamount> <ordercurrency>Original currency </ordercurrency> <paketdate> Packet data</paketdate> <signature> </signature> <pareq>pareq value</pareq> <ascurl>URL of Issuer-Bank </ascurl> </order></orders></result>
For SOAP format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.paysecure.ru/ws/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <ws:SilentPayResponse> <return> <ordernumber xsi:type="xsd:string">Order number</ordernumber> <responsecode xsi:type="xsd:string">Return code</responsecode> <recommendation xsi:type="xsd:string">Recommendations</recommendation> <message xsi:type="xsd:string">Message</message> <ordercomment xsi:type="xsd:string">Comment</ordercomment> <orderdate xsi:type="xsd:string">Payment date/time</orderdate> <amount xsi:type="xsd:string">Payment amount</amount> <currency xsi:type="xsd:string">Currency code</currency> <meantypename xsi:type="xsd:string">Card type</meantype> <meannumber xsi:type="xsd:string">Card number</meannumber> <lastname xsi:type="xsd:string">Second name</lastname> <firstname xsi:type="xsd:string">First name</firstname> <middlename xsi:type="xsd:string">Middle name</middlename> <issuebank xsi:type="xsd:string">Issuer-Bank name</ issuebank > <email xsi:type="xsd:string">E-mail</email> <bankcountry xsi:type="xsd:string">Issuer-Bank country code</bankcountry> <rate xsi:type="xsd:string">Currency rate</rate> <approvalcode xsi:type="xsd:string">Authorization code</approvalcode> <meansubtype xsi:type="xsd:string">Card sub-type</meansubtype> <cardholder xsi:type="xsd:string">Card-holder name</cardholder> <cardexpirationdate xsi:type='xsd:string'>Card expired date</cardexpirationdate> <ipaddress xsi:type="xsd:string">customer IP-address</ipaddress> <protocoltypename xsi:type="xsd:string">Protocol type</protocoltypename> <testmode xsi:type="xsd:string">Test mode payment flag</ testmode > <customermassage xsi:type="xsd:string">Message fro customer</customermassage > <orderstate xsi:type="xsd:string">Order status</orderstate> <processingname xsi:type="xsd:string">Processing name</processingname> <operationtype xsi:type="xsd:string">Operation type</operationtype> <billnumber xsi:type="xsd:string">Bill number</billnumber> <orderamount xsi:type="xsd:string">Original payment amount</orderamount> <ordercurrency xsi:type="xsd:string">Original payment currency</ordercurrency> <paketdate xsi:type="xsd:string">packet date</paketdate> <signature xsi:type="xsd:string"> </signature> <pareq xsi:type="xsd:string">pareq value </pareq> <ascurl xsi:type="xsd:string">Issuer-Bank URL </ascurl> </return> </ws:SilentPayResponse> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
In case of successful payment the return code responsecode is equal to AS000 value.
In case of unsuccessful payment the responsecode is one of AS100-AS998 values (except AS110 code that is returned when 3-D Secure authorization required – see here, for details).
If the request can't be processed the firstcode and secondcode parameters have non-zero values.
If responsecode AS300 is received, and order status (orderstate) and operation status (operationstate) are 'In Process', the current status of the payment can be obtained later via the request to the web-service orderresult.
If the payment result is not received (for example, due to network problems), then you can get it later via the request to the web-service orderresult.
Result example in XML format for error return (not correct password):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <!DOCTYPE result [...]> <result firstcode="7" secondcode="102" count="0"></result>
For the decryption of firstcode and secondcode values, please, refer here.
An enterprise can also initiate the provision of subscription services for payments passing through UCS processing.
Additional parameters for System of Fraud Intelligence (SOFI)
Merchants, which use silentpay service can provide additional parameters about the customer for analyses within the anti-fraud system.
In additional to the main list of the silentpay parameters the following optional parameters for SOFI can be provided in the request:
Name | Accepted values | Description |
HEADER_HTTP_USER_AGENT | String (255 chars) | Header User Agent http from http request |
HEADER_HTTP_ACCEPT | String (255 chars) | Header Accept http from http request |
HEADER_HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | String (128 chars) | Header Accept Language http from http request |
HEADER_HTTP_REFERER | String (255 chars) | Header Referer http from http request |
HEADER_REMOTE_HOST | String (16 chars) | Customer IP-address |
HEADER_HTTP_FORWARDED | String (16 chars) | Header Forwarded http from http request |
HEADER_HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR | String (16 chars) | Header Xforwarded-For http from http request |
HEADER_HTTP_VIA | String (128 chars) | Header Via http from http request |
CLIENT_JS_VER | String (16 chars) | Java script interpreter version |
CLIENT_LOCAL_TIME | String (128 chars) | Customer local time |
CLIENT_SCREEN_RES | String (16 chars) | Customer screen resolution (<width>x< high>) |
CLIENT_SCREEN_COLORS | Decimal (numbers from 1 to 24) | Color depth of customer screen |
CLIENT_JS_BROWSER_NAME | String (255 chars) | Customer browser name |
CLIENT_TIME_ZONE | Decimal (5) | Customer time zone GMT offset in hours. Conversion formula is (- GMT_H). For example, offset GMT+2 is equal to – 2. |
CLIENT_COOKIES | String (16 chars) | Unique browser identity from external system |
CLIENT_JAVA | Logical (true, false) | Java script support enabled indicator |
CLIENT_STYLESHEETS | Logical (true, false) | css styles support |
CLIENT_BROWSER_PLATFORM | String (64 chars) | Browser platform name |
CLIENT_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE | String (5 chars) | Language code of customer operational system |
CLIENT_BROWSER_LANGUAGE | String (5 chars) | Language code of the browser |
CLIENT_USER_LANGUAGE | String (5 chars) | Customer language code |
CLIENT_PROCESSOR | String (16 chars) | Processor name of customer computer |
CLIENT_CONNECTION | String (16 chars) | HTTP connection type |
CLIENT_HOSTADDRESS | String (16 chars) | DNS lookup based on HOST_ADDRESS |
CLIENT_HOSTNAME | String (70 chars) | Customer host name |
3D-Secure authorization
It is possible to use the card, which requires 3D-Secure authorization for payment via silentpay service (when the shop and processing have configured settings for it).
When a payment by a card (which required 3D-Secure authorization) is processed the IPS Assist returns AS110 value in the responsecode replay field.
The additional fields are also added in the silentpay response packet. These fields allow the merchant to provide additional payer authentication using 3-D Secure technologies (VISA cards) and Mastercard SecureCode (Mastercard catds).
Currently, for additional authentication of the customer, the most issuing banks operate according to the 3-D Secure protocol version 1 for all types of cards.
For a more secure authentication process, issuing banks and payment systems are switching to a new version 2 of protocol for all types of cards (VISA, Mastercard). To support a new generation protocol, a merchant has to make changes to the customer authentication process.
To start the order payment, the merchant sends an authorization request to the IPS Assist server. The following data about the customer device and browser must be added to the usual request parameters, if this has not been done before for operating with the SOFI. This data is required in the new 3-D Secure protocol version 2.
Name | Accepted values | Description |
HEADER_HTTP_ACCEPT | String (255 chars) | Header Accept http from http request |
HEADER_HTTP_USER_AGENT | String (255 chars) | Header User Agent http from http request |
CLIENT_JAVA | Logical (true, false) | Java script support enabled indicator navigator.javaEnabled() |
CLIENT_BROWSER_LANGUAGE | String (5 chars) | Language code of the browser navigator. language |
CLIENT_SCREEN_COLORS | Decimal (15) | Color depth of customer screen Screen.pixelDepth |
CLIENT_SCREEN_RES | String (16 chars) | Customer screen resolution Screen.width + 'x' + screen.height |
ChallengeWindowSize | 2 chars (01 – 250x400, 02 – 390x400, 03 – 500x600, 04 – 600x400, 05 – Full screen) | IFrame size for cardholder verification |
ClientIP | Maximum of 15 digits, 4 delimiters «.» | IP-address of the customer |
3D-Secure authorization using the protocol version 1
When a payment by a card requiring authorization using the protocol version 1 is processed, the IPS Assist returns the response code AS110 and additional fields pareq and acsurl in response to the authorization request.
The customer has to be forwarded to the issuer-bank site by URL from acsurl field.
The following values should be provided in the request form:
AcsUrl | Url of Issuer-Bank: value which is received from IPS Assist in the acsurl field |
PaReq | The value which is received from IPS Assist in the pareq field |
TermUrl | Url of the shop for results from issuer-bank receiving |
MD | Identification that is used for further reference between order and 3D-Secure authorization |
Form example for Issuer-Bank request:
<FORM ACTION="acsurl value that is received from IPS Assist" method="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="PaReq" VALUE="pareq value that is received from IPS Assist"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="TermUrl" VALUE="url of the shop"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MD" VALUE="Any identity (provided by shop)"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit_3DS" CLASS="button" VALUE="Continue"> </FORM>
The issuer-bank returns (by URL which is provided in TermUrl parameter of the request) the following values:
PaRes | Result packet |
MD | Identity which was provided in the request |
After the receiving of the reply from Issuer-Bank the shop has to transfer the 3D-Secure authorization result (pares value) to the IPS Assist. Web-service get3DSec can be used for it.
Get3DSec – transfer of the 3D-Secure authorization result
Service request URL:
Request and replay format: SOAP, a wsdl-description is available by the following URL:
The merchant has to transfer the pares value to IPS Assist. The following request in SOAP format should be sent to the IPS Assist:
Input parameters:
Method: send3dsparams
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
merchant_id | Yes | Merchant identification number in IPS Assist |
login | Yes | Service login |
password | Yes | Password |
ordernumber | Yes | Order number |
pares | Yes | 3DS result packet |
language | No | Language |
Example of the request:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <s:Body> <send3dsparams xmlns="urn:assist-processor"> <merchant_id>Merchant ID</merchant_id> <login>Login</login> <password>Password</password> <ordernumber>Order number</ordernumber> <language>Language</language> <pares>value pares which is received from issuer-bank</pares> </send3dsparams> <s:Body> <s:Envelope>
Return values – the same as in the silentpay request result.
In case of request failure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" standalone="no" ?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode>First code</faultcode> <faultstring>Second code</faultstring> <detail /> </SOAP-ENV:Fault> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
3D-Secure authorization using the protocol version 2
he customer can be authenticated without entering an additional password (based on advanced data) - this is an important feature of the new version of the protocol. The authentication process, in which there is no additional interaction with the cardholder, is called Frictionless Flow. The authentication process, in which the cardholder is required to enter an additional verification code, is called the Challenge Flow process.
Also, before authentication using the new protocol, the client’s browser must send an additional request to the ACS of the issuing bank (further we will call it 3DSMethod).
To work with the new protocol, the following changes must be made on the enterprise's side:
- Check the version of the 3D-Secure protocol in response to an authorization request to the Assist service. For version 1, support the workflow described above.
- For version 2, create a hidden iFrame on the payment page (for a detailed parameters description see below) and send 3DSMethod request (if available) to the issuing bank ACS.
- To continue authentication, call the ws3dsecver2 web service with additional 3D-Secure parameters. If authentication occurs without additional interaction with the customer (Frictionless Flow), then Assist will receive its result and send the authorization transaction to the processing. The enterprise will receive in response a full payment result, which also contains the result of authorization in processing. If additional authentication of the customer is necessary, then the IPS Assist will return additional fields for verification (Challenge Flow) in response to the request.
- If there are additional fields in the response that indicate the need for additional verification, the enterprise creates an iFrame on the payment page, which implements the display of the ACS page of the issuing bank to enter a one-time password. Customer completes authentication.
- IPS Assist will receive the result of the verification to the server on its side. In case of successful verification, a payment transaction will be processed. If the verification fails, the operation will fail.
- To find out the final result of payment for an order, the enterprise must use one of the methods for obtaining an authorization result.
The logic of the new protocol version 2 is displayed as a diagram. The description below contains links to numbered units of the diagram.
To start paying for the order, the enterprise sends an authorization request to the IPS Assist server and the necessary additional parameters (unit 1).
On the payment with a card requiring authorization under the protocol version 2 the IPS Assist will return the AS110 return code (unit 2) and an additional threedsdata parameter block in the response. The full list of parameters that may be contained in the threedsdata block is presented in the table below:
Name | Accepted values | Description | In the response of the service1 |
version | 1 (1.0.0, 1.0.2) | 3-D Secure Protocol version | 1,2 |
threeDSServerTransID | String | 3DS Server transaction ID | 1,2 |
threeDSMethodURL | String (255 chars) | The ACS URL that will be used by the 3DS Method | 1 |
threeDSMethodData | String (255 chars) | Request body (Base64 encoded) | 1 |
alphaauthresult | Y - success, N - fai, A - Attempt, U – unable to authenticate, R- rejected, E - error, I - Informational Only | Authentication result will be received in case of Frictionless Flow authentication. | 1,2 |
challenge | F - Frictionless Flow C – Challenge Flow | Interaction with the customer (C – required, F – not needed) | 1,2 |
challengeurl2 | Full URL like https://acs.... 2048 symbols maximum | The ACS URL for payer verification | 1,2 |
challengerequest2 | String | Request body (Base64 encoded) for challengeurl request | 1,2 |
1The parameter may be contained in the response of the service: 1- silentpay; 2 – get3dserver2.
2 In case of authorization without additional interaction with the customer (Frictionless Flow), the parameters challengeurl and challengerequest will not be returned.
Depending on the content of the received threedsdata block (units 3,7,8), the authentication proceeds differently.
The main operating scenarios for version 2 are determined by whether a 3DSMethod call is required (generation of a hidden iFrame in the client browser), as well as whether additional client authentication is required and under what scenario it takes place:
- If there is the issuing bank URL threeDSMethodURL (unit 7), the merchant generates hidden HTML iFrame on the payment page (unit 9) and sends a POST request with one parameter threeDSMethodData to the received address threeDSMethodURL, and then calls the get3dsecver2 service (unit 10).
- If there is the issuing bank URL threeDSMethodURL (units 7, 9, 10), without the additional interaction with the card holder (unit 8) - Frictionless Flow (F), IPS Assist immediately executes a transaction in processing or completes the operation with an error. In response to a call to the get3dsecver2 service, the merchant will receive the payment status (unit 6).
- If there is the issuing bank URL threeDSMethodURL (units 7, 9, 10), and the additional interaction with the card holder is necessary (unit 8), the merchant generates hidden HTML iFrame on the payment page and sends an HTTP POST request for the card holder verification to the specified challengeurl URL (unit 11). This iFrame displays the issuer's bank ACS page and the customer enters a one-time password received from the bank. This is the Challenge Flow (C) scenario.
- For 3D-Secure version 2 (unit 3) with no issuing bank URL threeDSMethodURL and without the additional interaction with the card holder, - Frictionless Flow (F), the transaction will be processed immediately and the payment process will be completed (unit 12).
- For 3D-Secure version 2 (unit 3), if the additional interaction with the card holder is necessary (unit 4), but with no issuing bank URL threeDSMethodURL, the enterprise should generate an HTML iFrame object on the payment page and send an HTTP POST request for the card holder verification to the specified challengeurl URL (unit 11). This iFrame displays the issuer's bank ACS page and the customer enters a one-time password received from the bank.
get3dserver2 – web service of the 3D-Secure authentication continuation
After sending a request to threeDSMethodURL in order to continue the authentication process, the enterprise need to send a request for a new get3dsecver2 web service (unit 9).
The result of sending a request to threeDSMethodURL can be positive (HTTP code 200), negative (any other HTTP code), or request sending timeout (set to 10 seconds).
Service request URL:
Supported formats: SOAP, JSON.
Input parameters:
Name | Accepted values | Description |
merchant_id | Number | Merchant identification number in IPS Assist |
login | String | Service Login |
password | String | Password |
billnumber | 15 or 16 digits, extended payment number | Unique number of payment in IPS Assist |
threeDSServerTransID | String | 3DS Server transaction ID |
IPS Assist continues the process of authentication of the customer in the payment system and the issuing bank through 3DS Server.
If additional verification of the customer is not required (Frictionless Flow) (unit 10), IPS Assist executes a transaction in processing or completes the operation with an error (depending on processing and enterprise settings, and authentication result) (unit 12).
The response to the request in this case will contain one of the final response codes (AS000 - operation completed successfully, AS100-AS109 – denial of authorization), all response fields described above, and an additional threedsdata data block in which the challenge parameter is F, and the alphaauthresult field contains the authentication result (Y, N, U, R, I).
Receiving an AS110 response code in the response of the get3dsecver2 web service means that an additional card holder verification is required (Challenge Flow). In the threedsdata data block, the challenge parameter will be equal to C, and the challengeurl and challengerequest parameters will be filled (block 10).
In this case, the enterprise should generate an HTML iFrame object on the payment page and send an HTTP POST request for the card holder verification to the specified URL (block 11) with the creq parameter, in which pass the received challengerequest value. This iFrame displays the ACS page of the issuing bank and the customer enters a one-time password received from the bank.
IPS Assist will receive the result of this verification on its server in asynchronous mode (blocks 13, 14). Depending on the authentication result and the settings of the processing and of the enterprise (block 15), the IPS Assist will executes a transaction in processing or completes the operation with an error.
IPS Assist can also duplicate the result of 3D-Secure passing to the enterprise server; for this, the enterprise needs to inform the IPS Assist support service of the URL to receive the result of passing the additional verification.
Receiving this request will mean for an enterprise, that the additional verification is completed, and the enterprise can now redirect the customer’s browser to the result page on its side and wait for the completion of the payment transaction in processing.
The process of receiving the result of an additional verification on the server of the IPS Assist is asynchronous. Only after receiving this result a payment transaction will be processed (or not conducted) in processing, which will lead to blocking of funds on the customer’s card. The merchant should receive the result of the payment transaction from IPS Assist in one of the standard ways. The enterprise can send a request to the receiving of the payment result by order number web service or configure on its side to receive notifications sent by Assist to enterprise server.
An example of the threedsdata data block in which additional verification of the card holder is not required (in this case, the responsecode will be different from AS110):
<threedsdata> <version>2.2</version> <alphaauthresult>Y</alphaauthresult> <challenge>F<challenge> </threedsdata>
An example of a threedsdata data block in which additional card holder verification is required (responsecode is AS110):
<threedsdata> <version>2.2</version> <challenge>С<challenge> <challengeurl>https://acs.superbank.ru/version20/creq</challengeurl> <challengerequest>eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6ImE3ZWJlMDU3LTg2ZjgtNGFmMS05MTJkHGNlYTc5Mzc0OWUxMiIsImFjc1RyYW5zSUQiOiI5ODhmOWZmYS1kNzYyLTQ0YjktOWI0OS01ZDRkMjU5YmRkZWQiLCJkc1RyYW5zSUQiOiJkMGJmZGQzYy00YzdhLTVmNjktODAwMC0wMDAwMDAwOGM3NjMiLCJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSI6IkNSеZXEiLCJtZXNzYWdlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMS4wIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlV2luZG93U2l6ZSI6IjA0In0</challengerequest> </threedsdata>
To get a web service response in JSON format, you need to pass content-type = application/json or format = 5 in the request. Description of the parameters of all IPS Assist web services for the JSON format is contained in the swagger file at:
An example JSON response for an operation without additional authentication:
{ "threedsdata": { "version": "2.2.0", "alphaauthresult": "Y", "challenge": "F" }, "MakePaymentResponse": { "customermessage": "Success", "message": "Success", "token": "", "testmode": "0", "operationtype": "100", "orderdate": "23.10.2019 10:45:47", "packetdate": "23.10.2019 10:49:48", "orderamount": "15.00", "ordercomment": "", "cardexpirationdate": "12/20", "ordercurrency": "BYN", "recommendation": "", "processingname": "Fake", "meannumber": "220000****0001", "orderstate": "Approved", "rate": "1", "amount": "15.00", "responsecode": "AS000", "meantypename": "VISA", "protocoltypename": "NET", "bankcountry": "UNKNOWN", "customer": { "lastname": "Testov", "firstname": "Тест", "middlename": "Testovich", "ipaddress": "", "email": "null@assist.by" }, "cardholder": "TEST", "approvalcode": "X38988", "billnumber": "5161957242913232.1", "issuebank": "UNKNOWN", "currency": "RUB", "ordernumber": "231020191345849_user2", "meansubtype": "" } }
A response example for an operation with additional authentication:
{ "threedsdata": { "version": "2.2.0", "challengerequest": "eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6ImQ3MDlmM2M0LTVkNTItNDNlZS1hMTcxLTQ2NzM0MDRlMzUxMyIsImFjc1RyYW5zSUQiOiDNZWNmOTk4NC1jZGY2LTRkMWQtYTUzZS1kMzZhOTUyZTgzZDYiLCJkc1RyYW5zSUQiOiJlYWRlMmY4NC1jMDY1LTVmMGItODAwMC0wMDAwMDAwYjU3NWQiLCJtZXSKFWdlVHlwZSI6IkNSZXEEJCJtZXNzYWdlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMS4wIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlV2luZG93U2l6ZSI6IjA0In0", "challengeurl": "https://acs.superbank.ru/acs/creq", "challenge": "C" }, "MakePaymentResponse": { "customermessage": "New Client authentication by 3DSecure technology.", "message": "New Client authentication by 3DSecure technology.", "token": "", "testmode": "0", "operationtype": "100", "orderdate": "23.10.2019 10:45:46", "packetdate": "23.10.2019 10:46:32", "orderamount": "15.00", "ordercomment": "", "cardexpirationdate": "12/20", "ordercurrency": "BYN", "recommendation": "", "processingname": "Fake", "meannumber": "220000****0003", "orderstate": "In Process", "rate": "1", "amount": "15.00", "responsecode": "AS110", "meantypename": "MasterCard", "protocoltypename": "NET", "bankcountry": "UNKNOWN", "customer": { "lastname": "Testov", "firstname": "Тест", "middlename": "Testovich", "ipaddress": "", "email": "null@assist.by" }, "cardholder": "TEST", "approvalcode": "", "billnumber": "5161957242913224.1", "issuebank": "UNKNOWN", "currency": "BYN", "ordernumber": "231020191345849_user1", "meansubtype": "" } }