In the  'Options'  section settings of enterprise, its merchants and users can be changed. This section is available only for users who have appropriate rights.

Enterprise options

In this section settings of the enterprise can be changed. It has  'Common'  and  'Banking details'  tabs.


Common enterprise's data is displayed on the ' Common ' tab. See table below for details.

List of enterprise data that is displayed on the ' Common ' tab




System Enterprise ID (for reference only)


Full enterprise name

Administrative contact

Administrative contact (Name, Position, Phone, Mobile phone, E-mail) – editable fields, you can specify multiple addresses separated by commas in the E-mail field.

Technical contact

Technical contact (Name, Position, Phone, Mobile phone, E-mail) – editable fields, you can specify multiple addresses separated by commas in the E-mail field.

Legal address

Legal enterprise address (for reference only)

Post address

Postal address of the enterprise (for reference only)

Time zone

Enterprise time zone (for reference only)

All parameters, which set by the user within the personal Account are automatically  validated .

All changes are applied after pressing ' Save ' button.

Only enterprise administrator can change these settings.

Banking details

The bank requisites of the enterprise are displayed on the  'Banking details'  tab. See table below for details.

List of enterprise data that is displayed on the  'Bank details'  tab




Bank name


Bank identity code


OKVED of the enterprise


OKPO of the enterprise

Payment account

The enterprise payment account

Correspondent account

The enterprise correspondent account


The enterprise TIN

Accountant E-mail

Accountant E-mail


The enterprise RPP

All changes are applied after pressing ' Save ' button.

Only enterprise administrator can change these settings.

Merchant options

This section allows to see and to change merchant settings. The choice of a subsection (group of settings) is made using the menu on the right side of the screen. All subsections contain drop-down boxes in header that set the merchant which data are displayed on the subsection.

The settings subsection selection menu

Common options

The list of merchant data, which are displayed on this subsection is described in the table below.

Common merchant properties




System merchant ID (for reference only)


The merchant's enterprise (for reference only)


Names of the merchant in different languages (editable)

Goods and services

Goods and services that merchant provides (for reference only)


Merchant's URL (editable)

Administrative contact

Administrative contact (Name, Position, Phone, Mobile phone, E-mail) – editable fields, you can specify multiple addresses separated by commas in the E-mail field.

Technical contact

Technical contact (Name, Position, Phone, Mobile phone, E-mail) – (editable fields), you can specify multiple addresses separated by commas in the E-mail field.

E-mail to receive fraud information

E-mail that is used for notifications about fraudulent transactions – (editable fields)

All parameters, which set by the user within the personal Account are automatically  validated .

Name (merchant name) can be provided in different languages. Write down the name's translations next to corresponding languages.

All changes are applied after pressing ' Save ' button.

Payment options

The list of merchant data, which are displayed on this subsection is described in the table below.

List of merchant's settings displayed on the  'Payment options'  subsection



Base currency

Code and name of merchant's base currency (for reference only)

Test mode

  • «Yes» - The merchant is in the test payment mode
  • «No» - The merchant is in the production payment mode

(for reference only)


Timeout (in minutes), customer can enter his personal data and card data during that time period. When time is up transaction is closed with time-out status.


URL, which is used to redirect customer in one of 2 cases: 1) in case of unsuccessful payment if  'URL_RETURN_OK'  is filled; 2) in all cases if  'URL_RETURN_OK'  is not filled.  'Action after authorization'  should be set in  'Redirect to merchant page'  to redirect customer by 'URL_RETURN'.

It is recommended to use HTTPS  protocol  for  secure  communication.


If  'Action after authorization'  is set to  'Redirect to merchant page'  then customer is redirected by this URL after successful payment.

It is recommended to use HTTPS  protocol  for  secure  communication.

Action after authorization

Drop-down list that sets the system behavior after finishing of payment:  'Redirect to merchant page', or  'Redirect to authorization result page'

Secret word

Merchant’s secret word.

All changes are applied after pressing ' Save ' button.

Please note that values of  'URL_RETURN_OK'  and  'URL_RETURN'  are used only when  'Action after authorization'  is set to  'Redirect to merchant page'  and if the authorization request does not contain URL_RETURN, URL_RETURN_OK, URL_RETURN_NO (otherwise request parameters are used; request parameters have a higher priority).

Bill options

This subsection provides a reference only information about general bill settings: the algorithm of the bill numbering, template of the bill number, version of payment token and display bill settings.

In this subsection you can also view and edit such parameters as bill payment expiration period, whether to send the bill to the customer via E-mail after the bill creation, as well as whether to send notice of bill revoke.

List of merchant's settings displayed on the  'Bill options'  subsection



A method of forming a bill number

For reference only.

Bill number template

Template to generate of bill numbers. For reference only.


For reference only.

Show bill before payment

Check box. By default, bill is shown to the customer when he/she has followed by the payment link. If it is not checked then, the customer immediately goes to the payment page. For reference only.

Period of bill payment

Expiration period of bill payment, displayed as DD.HH.MM, by default – 1 day. This field can not be empty or null. When parameter  Pay_until  is  not passed  in the bill creation via web-service then  Pay_until  is calculated as the bill creation time plus value of this setting. This parameter also used to determine the "Pay until" value during the bill creation in personal account.

Send notice of bill revoke

Check box is responsible for sending of notifying about the revoking of the bill. By default, notice is send.

Secret word

Merchant’s secret word. (for reference only). You can set it in the ” Payment options ” section.

Check value for bills

Check box is responsible for using of check value code when creating bill.

Default values

Send bill

Drop-down box:  Don’t send, Send via E-mail,  Send via SMS, Send via E-mail and SMS.

Source of cheque items

Drop-down box:  No  (cheque items are entered manually),  Price list  (cheque items can be entered either manually or loaded from the price list),  Only price list  (cheque items can be loaded only from the price list).

Double-stage operation mode

Check box. If it is checked then payments in double-stage operation mode on the bills of this merchant are allowed.

First name

Payer's first name

Last name

Payer's last name

All parameters, which set by the user within the personal Account are automatically  validated .

Part of the parameters in the " Bill options " subsection are displayed for reference only. Contact the support team to change these parameters.

All changes are applied after pressing ' Save ' button.

Payment result options

The sending of authorization results to the merchant's server can be set up on the  'Payment result options ' subsection.

For security reasons results are sent only on ports 443, 8443, 80, 8080. No other ports can be used to receive the results!

If sending of payment results is activated and notification sending has failed then a special e-mail notification is sent to the address, which is specified in the parameter " Technical contact " on tab " Common options " under " Merchants options ."

The list of merchant data, which are displayed on this subsection is described in the table below.

List of settings on ’Payment result options’ subsection



Send approve results

Check box. If it is checked then results of payments are sent.

Send cancel results

Check box. If it is checked then cancellations results are sent.

Send order positions

Check box. If it is checked then order positions are sent.

Send charge results

Check box. If it is checked then results of charges are sent.

Send only success results

Check box. If it is checked then only successful results are sent. It is active only when at least one of above is selected.

Merchant URL

URL that used for results delivery

Protocol type

Protocol type – POST or SOAP

Sign type

Signature type – PGP or md5

Download the key file

To obtain a key file, please, contact support team (

Secret word

Secret word for md5 signature (for reference only). You can set it in the ” Payment options ” section.

Response type

Type of expected response on the results' sending from merchant's server (for reference only)

Registry and notifications sending options

There are two blocks of settings on this subsection. List of settings, which are related to  'Daily registry'  are described in table " List of settings for Daily registry ". List of settings, which are related to ' Notifications'  are described in table " Notifications settings ".

List of settings for Daily registry



Send daily registry

If checked then every day the daily registry is sent to the specified e-mail.

E-mail to receive registry

Sets the e-mail(s) for registry delivery (use comma (',') as e-mails list separator)

Report type

Drop-down box that sets type of transaction that are included in the registry:  All, Only successful, All except unsuccessful

Time zone in the registry dates

Sets time zone of date/times in the registry: GMT or enterprise time zone (that is set in the  Enterprise options)

Decimal delimiter

Sets the point ('.') or comma (',') for decimal delimiters 

Send daily registry for

The control allows to enter the year, month, day as the date for which you want to resend the registry.  Note.  You can order the registry only for the past dates, not later than yesterday.

To build and send the registry, click the "Send" button. The "Send" button is only active when the checkbox «Send daily registry» is checked.

If sending is enabled then every day the daily registry (prepared according to selected type) is sent to the specified e-mails. E-mail message contains the  TXT file  with payments. If no payment were made then the file contains  'NO PAYMENTS THIS DAY'  text.

Example of one row from the registry file

BillNumber:000000000000001;BillNumberExt:000000000000001.1;OrderNumber:0001-01; OrderState:Approved; OrderTest:1;OrderAmount:300.00;OrderCurrency:BYN;OrderDate:01.01.2011 07:00:05;OrderComment:тестовый платеж;CustomerName:Testov Test T.;OperationType:Approve;OperationState:Success;Protocol:NET; OperationAmount:300.00;OperationCurrency:BYN;OperationDate:01.01.2011 07:00:08;MeanType:VISA;  MeanSubType:Visa Gold;MeanNumber:411111****1111;CardHolder:Testov Test;OperationResult:Success; ErrorMessage:;Recommendation:;Response_Code:AS000;ApprovalCode:F00001;ProcessingName:Name;

Notifications are e-mail messages, which are sent after finishing of the payment. Each message contains payment details.

Notifications settings



E-mail to receive notifications

Sets the e-mail which is used for notification delivery

Send pay notification

If checked then notifications are sent after payment completion

Send pay approve notification

If checked then notifications are sent after payment confirmation completion (charge)

Send pay cancel notification

If checked then notifications are sent after payment cancellation completion

A payment notification example:

BillNumber: 000000000000001 OperationType:Approve OrderNumber:0001-01 Total:300.00 Currency: BYN Status:Approved Comment:Test payment Response_Code:AS000 MeanType: MasterCard

A confirmation (charge) notification example:

BillNumber: 000000000000001 OperationType:Charge OrderNumber:0001-01 Total: 300.00 Currency: BYN Status:Approved Comment:Test payment Response_Code:AS000 MeanType: MasterCard

A cancelation notification example:

BillNumber:000000000000001 OperationType:PaymentCancel OrderNumber:0001-01 Total: 300.00 Currency: BYN Status:Canceled Comment:Test payment Response_Code:AS000 MeanType: MasterCard

Limit options

This tab shows the limits of merchant in table. The table displays:

  • limit name;
  • limit current values;
  • thresholds values.

Active limits are checked in the ' Active ' column. Limits are displayed in read-only mode. Contact the support team to change limits (

Order signature options

When the merchant uses up the order check value (MD5) and/or the order signature the settings for this checks can be configured on this tab. Parameters are described in the table below.

Order signature settings



Check order code (MD5)

Check order code (MD5)

If checked then the order value (MD5) is verified on the request receiving.

Secret word

Merchant’s secret word.  Note!  The same secret word is used for the order check value and for the  payment result options.

Check order signature

Check order signature

If checked then the order signature is verified on the request receiving

New public key

You need to generate the RSA public key with length of 1024 bits and upload it as a * .pem format file by button «Select files» which allows to select a file with public key.

Current public key

Field that displays current public key (for information only)

Period when new and old keys are valid (days)

Period in days, during which the old key and new one are both active. It is transition period to smoothly move to a new key on the old key expiration.

If the old key should be deactivated immediately after new one applied – contact the support team ( to settle it.

All changes are applied after pressing ' Save ' button.

If merchant has activated order check value (MD5) verification then authorization request must contain the ' Checkvalue ' parameter with correctly calculated value. Otherwise requests will be denied with error. The ' Checkvalue ' parameter has to be generated as follows: uppercase(md5(uppercase(md5(SALT) + md5(Х)))), where SALT – secret word; Х – result of the following parameters string concatenation: merchant_id, ordernumber, orderamount, ordercurrency (without delimiters), + means string concatenation.

Message appears on save which informs that new key is activated and the old one will be deactivated soon.

If merchant has activated order signature checking then authorization request must contain the ' Signature ' parameter with correctly calculated value. Otherwise requests will be denied with error. See more details about order signature in the  'Generation of a string for signature or for checkvalue '  section.

One Click

Merchant parameters on  One Click  are displayed on this subsection. Parameters are not editable and they are displayed for information only. Contact support team to change One Click parameters. One Click parameters are described in the table below.

One Click parameters



Enable One Click

If checked then One Click is activated for the merchant


Drop-down box:  Standerd  (the buyer can store new cards to the program or pay with previously stored cards),  Payments by stored cards only  (the buyer can pay with stored cards only),  Cards store only  (the buyer can only store new cards to the program).

In expandable block ' Customers ' of  One Click  tab you can see the information about a customer by his unique number (that merchant assigned to that customer and sent in the authorization request as value of parameter ' CustomerNumber '). Value of ' CustomerNumber ' also must be included in the order signature.

Enter the desired CustomerNumber into the field and press ' Search' . The information about customer will be displayed on screen. If the " Customer number " field is empty and you click the " Search " button, then the full list of One Click clients of this merchant will be displayed as search results.

One Click details of the customer

Possible values of customer status:

Status name



Customer who have made some successful payments but not agreed to store the card for future payments. The customer will have the same status also, if his first payment was unsuccessful or closed after the timeout.


Customer who agreed to store the card for future payments.

Not active

When the all stored cards of this member are expired or not valid. The status is set automatically.


Customer has rejected the offer to activate One Click.

Fraud (highlighted in red)

100% fraud status was received from System Of Fraud Intelligence (SOFI) during the payment by this card or  'Card stolen'  status received from the processing. Payments by this card are blocked.

Suspicious (highlighted in yellow)

Received a fraud status from System Of Fraud Intelligence (SOFI) for one of the cards of this customer (when paying to any merchant). The status is set automatically, but it can also be set manually.

By right click on the desired customer record you can change the customer status.

If a customer makes payments to a merchant with different bank cards, each of them is included in the One Click program using the same rules. With payment for the next order, the customer has the opportunity to choose the desired card from the drop-down list of his stored payment means (for which there were successful payments).

Clicking on the black triangle at the beginning of the line with the customer record allows you to open an additional window. Here you can see the data on all the saved cards of this customer in a table with the following columns.



Mean number ID

Unique identification of payment mean number.

Mean type

Payment mean type (Visa, MasterCard etc.).

Mean number

The payment means number, for example card number. Only 6 first and last 4 digits are shown in the card number.

Saving date

Date of saving the card with the first successful payment.

Last success payment date

Date and time of the last successful payment by this payment mean.

Number of successful payments

The number of successful payments by this card.


The order of the last payments on the cards of this customer. By default at the next payment, the client will be offered to pay for the order with the last used card (Order 1).

Card state

Card state.

COF status

COF payment type in processing.

Possible values of customer card state:

State name



One or more payments were successfully made on this card and the customer agreed to store it.


100% fraud status were received from Anti-Fraud system during the payment by this card or  'Card stolen'  status received from the processing. Payments by this card are blocked.

Card expired

A card that has expired.


The card has been removed from the One Click service.

Information on customer cards

By right click on the desired card record you can delete this card from One click program data base.

An additional confirmation prompt appears before the card is deleted. Before deleting the card the confirm window will appear as it shown on the picture below.

Confirm window for card deleting

More details about One Click can be found in documents of section One Click program .

Change password

This section is used to change password of current user.

Enter the  'Current password ' then  'New password'  and repeat a new password in  'Confirm password ' field.

Password should be 8 to 20 symbols long and should contain Latin alphabet symbols (upper/lower case) and digits. Password must contain both – alphabet symbols and digits.

Password changes after pressing ' Save ' button.

Two-factor authentication

To increase the level of security of enterprise data in the Personal Account, you can additionally use two-factor authentication. A special code, which can be obtained using a mobile device (smartphone), is used in addition to the main account password. You should download the application and choose a more convenient way to get the code.

This section displays a brief instruction on how to enable two-factor authentication, and there is also a field for entering a special verification code.


In this section you can see and change users of the enterprise. Only merchant administrator has rights to amend and create new users.

Actions over users

Enterprise administrator has rights to create a user.

In addition, administrator can perform the following action on existing users:

  • user password change;
  • enabling/disabling the user possibility to change own password;
  • user details change;
  • user rights amendment;
  • changing of user rights on the tab "Operations";
  • user – merchant assignment change;
  • user deletion.

Create new user window

For example, a user should be created to monitor orders in Order monitor . The following steps should be done:

  • press New User  button and enter all necessary user information in the dialog box (Login, Password, Confirm password, select the User's type as USER , select the user default language, required parameters are marked with asterisks);
  • press Save  button. The new user will appear in table;
  • right-click on the new user in the table and select  'Edit Rights;
  • in the Roles section of the Edit Rights tab set the check mark in the Use ' row in Access column (Picture "Adding a role to user" below);
  • on the Edit merchant list  tab the user can be assigned to merchant(s) of the enterprise; check/uncheck the merchants to attach/detach merchant to the user (Picture "Change user-merchant assignment" below);
  • press Save  button.

By creating of new user note, that:

  • login  should be 8 to 20 symbols long and should contain at least one Latin alphabet symbol (upper/lower case), may also include digits and underscore;
  • password  should be 8 to 20 symbols long and should contain Latin alphabet symbols (upper/lower case) and digits. Password must contain both – alphabet symbols and digits.

Adding a role to user

Change user-merchant assignment

Now new user can login to the Personal Account and watch the orders in Orders monitor .

  • If user should have ability to charge or cancel order payments and/or export data in the file, then the following actions should be done additionally:
  • right-click on new user in table and select Edit Rights;
  • in Component section of the Edit Rights tab check Confirmations and Cancellations and/or Button “Export” ’ in the Access column (Picture below);
  • check that ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT: Order menu is checked on;
  • press Save button.

Granting rights for cancel and charge

Now the user may confirm or cancel payments and/or export data to the file in the Orders monitor  of Personal account.

If the administrator wants to change a user password then following steps should be done:

  • right-click on the new user in the table and select Change password;
  • enter twice a new user password in the dialog;
  • Press Save  button.

If a user should be deleted should be done by the administrator the following steps:

  • right-click on the new user in the table and select Delete ;
  • confirm the deletion in the dialog. User will be deleted.

It is not possible to restore a user which was deleted!

Using profiles

The profile mechanism is convenient for the merchants that need to create a lot of different user accounts with the same rights. To do this, a special user profile with all the necessary rights is created. For creating the next user, the administrator will only need to set his personal data and the profile name.

The use of profiles must be coordinated with the technical support service of Assist, then at the request of the merchant, the necessary profiles will be created and the administrator is given the appropriate rights.

Clicking the Profiles  button opens a new window, which displays information about the current profiles of the merchant.

Profile parameters




Profile name

User’s type

Type of user


User profile company


User profile enterprise


E-mail default profile user address (will be automatically assigned to all users of the profile for which the own E-mail address isn’t set)

Level of display errors

Assigned level of display errors

To create a user profile, call the context menu by right click and select Create User.

The list of fields in the form for creating a new user profile is given in the table.

New user creation options



User profile

Select from the list of available values of merchant’s profiles


It should be 8 to 20 symbols long and should contain at least one Latin alphabet symbol (upper/lower case), may also include digits and underscore.


It should be 8 to 20 symbols long and should contain Latin alphabet symbols (upper/lower case) and digits. Password must contain both – alphabet symbols and digits.

First name

Text field

Middle name

Text field

Last name

Text field


Text field (100 characters). E-mail user address, if not specified, then the default profile address will be automatically assigned

To save the changes, click the Create button.

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