You can perform the following actions over order in the Order monitor window: payment confirmation (Charge), payment cancellation (Refund), print the bill (Print receipt).

Right click on the desired order opens the order's context menu. You can select necessary actions in this menu.

You also can select several orders and perform action over the group of orders. Hold CTRL button and select orders via click on the order, or hold Shift button and select range of orders using up/down cursor keys. After selection of orders you can open context menu and select action.

There are check boxes on each row in action window and only selected orders will be performed by action (any of actions which is described below). If you don't want to perform an action on some orders in the list – just remove check mark on them before action performing. 

Order payment confirmation

If merchant uses a double-phase payment mode then after completing authorization the enterprise has 4 days to confirm the payment (to confirm money withdrawal from the customer's account). Any enterprise's user (who has appropriate rights) can confirm the payment by right-click on the order(-s) and selecting ' Charge ' option in the order's context menu.

You can easily find all unconfirmed orders by selecting ' Delayed ' in the  'Order state ' filter. Orders which await payment confirmation and which are within the selected time period (and probably other criteria applied if they are filled) will be shown.

When you select  'Charge ' option in the order's context menu the ' Charge ' window will appear as it shown on the picture below.

Order payment confirmation dialog

The list of the order properties, which are displayed in the confirmation window are described in the table below.

List of the displayed order properties in the confirmation window

Column name



Merchant name


Internal order number

Order number

Order number


Order creation date/time

Card holder

Card holder

Means number

Number of payment means


Successfully authorized amount (It is maximum amount that can be charged)

Charge amount

Confirmation amount (by default it is full order amount)


Currency of authorized amount


Order comment


Operation result. If the enterprise uses one-phase payment mode then this field shows the message:  'Confirmation of payment is not required.'

If confirmation is not required for order then it is not marked and ' Result ' field shows related message.

'Charge amount ' by default filled by full authorized amount. Some processings allow to confirm partial amount. For this – enter the desired amount in the  'Charge amount'  field.

After pressing 'Charge' button the  'Result' column will show the results of confirmation for each order which was selected. In case of failure the corresponding error message is displayed in the 'Result' field.

If confirmation fails due to technical reason, the confirmation can be repeated. Repeated confirmation can't make a double withdrawal from the customer's account, only one successful charge operation is possible.

Payments, which are not confirmed in time (5-14 days depending on the bank) are automatically canceled.

Payment cancellation

Personal account allows to perform following types of refunds and cancellations: authorization return, partial cancellation, cash refund and financial transaction cancellation.

Authorization  return  (on-line  cancellation)  is a procedure for the cancellation of authorization by credit card payment before financial transaction* is created.

* Financial transaction – is process of providing to the processing center of payment information to clear the payment transaction (to confirm the customer account withdrawal)

Normally the authorization can be canceled within the same day when this authorization is made.

Authorization return can be performed only on the full authorization amount.

Partial cancellation  is admissible for processings that allows this, before the financial transaction is effected. When a partial cancellation is performed after the successful authorization the financial transaction will be performed for the remaining amount of the payment.

Partial cancellation for enterprise which operating based on the double-stage payment mode is possible only after payment confirmation (before the financial transaction is performed).

Financial transaction cancellation  is the cancellation of the credit card payment operation. It is performed after the financial transaction had been performed.

The financial transaction cancellation operation implies a full refund, taking into account the possible performs of the currency differences on the date of payment and on the date of financial transaction cancellation.

A financial transaction can be canceled only for processings that have ability to perform this operation.

Cash refund  is a procedure of full or partial funds return to customer over payment that was performed in the enterprise's Internet-shop using credit card. Refund operation can be performed after the financial transaction has been performed.

When you select ' Refund ' option from the order's context menu the window with the orders' parameters will be opened.

Payment cancellation window

List of the displayed parameters is presented in the table below. 

List of order parameters in payment cancellation window




Merchant name


Internal order number

Order number

Order number


Order creation date/time

Card holder

Card holder

Means number

Payment means number


Successfully authorized amount (It is maximum amount that can be canceled)

Cancel amount

Cancellation amount (by default it is full order amount)


Currency of authorized amount

Cancel reason

Drop-down list with possible cancellation reasons:

  • Merchant deny 
  • Customer deny (default)
  • Fraudulent operation

Cancel count

The number of cancellations which already performed on this order

Cancel amount

Total amount of already returned funds


Order comment


Operation result. When cancellation on this order is not possible this field shows the corresponding message.

When cancellation can't be performed, the order is not selected and the ' Result ' field shows the corresponding message.

Column  'Cancel amount'  contains (by default) the full authorization amount. It can be changed (decreased) in case when a partial cancellation is required (for example the customer decided to return a part of the ordered items). The ' Reason ' field should be set according to reason of cancellation. By default it is set to  'Customer deny'  value.

During the payment cancellation there is no need to specify exact type of cancellation – system will choose the appropriate type automatically.

After pressing ' Cancel ' results of cancellations are displayed in the  'Result'  column while fields  'Cancel count'  and  'Cancel amount ' are updated according to results of operations. In case of cancellation's failure the corresponding error message is displayed. Usually in this case you can try to effect cancellation again.

Printing of receipt

If you select the  'Print  receipt '  option in the order's context menu then the window appears with selected orders. Order parameters that are displayed in this window are described in the table below.

List of order parameters in the  'Print receipt'  window




Merchant name


Internal order number

Order number

Order number


Order creation date/time

Card holder

Card holder

Mean number

Payment mean number


Successfully authorized amount


Currency of authorized amount


Order comment

Printing can be performed to a PDF file or on a printer. To print receipt on printer – select the desired order(-s) and click  'Print receipt'  button. To export receipt to PDF file use  'Export to PDF'  button.

Default printed receipt looks as follows:

Window for receipt preview

It is possible to change the view of the printed receipt on request by the enterprise. Please, contact support team ( in such case.

The receipt language is independent of the selected interface language by user and is determined by specifying the language of the order. You can set the receipt's language as the interface language or add a language selection before the receipt printing. Please, contact support team ( in such case.

Change card

The card replacement for subsequent payments by subscription (recurrent payments) can be initiated from the personal account in case when the card that was used in that subscription is expiring or has already expired. When you select "Change card" option from the context menu then new window is opened with a proposal to send the reference for card replacement to the payer.

Window for card change 1

Clicking the "Send" is sending the message containing the selected link, on to the E-mail address of the payer. Following this link the payer can add a new card for subsequent payments. The amount of 0,1 BYN will be blocked on the payer's card. It will be unlocked in the month depending on the bank's conditions.

The blocked amount will be displayed in the orders monitor as the payment awaiting confirmation (delayed), and after unlocking - as the canceled payment.

The blocked amount in the orders monitor

The information about blocked amount is displayed also in the tab ’Related orders’ of order details dialog for any payment of this subscribe. The "Comment" field shows the cause of the blocking payment.

The blocked payment in the tab ’Related orders

If the last subsequent payment is unsuccessful at the moment of selecting the context menu item "Change card" (the card is already expired, insufficient cash and so on), then You can select one of two links to send to customer: link to replace the card or link to replace card and pay the unsuccessful payment.

Window for card change 2

If the duration of recurrent payment is expired at the moment of selecting the context menu item "Change card", i.e. card change for this payment has no meaning, then the following message appears:

Error message when you try to change the card for ended payment

If the enterprise is not allowed to replace cards of payers from the personal account or the context menu was called on the regular order then the «Change card» option in the context menu is inactive:

View of context menu when the card change is not allowed

You can setup automatic sending the messages for card replacement to customers. You should contact technical support to setup the mode of notifications, as well as to allow the replacement of card from your personal account.

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