To get the URL (address for payment), you need to send a request to the IPS Assist server using the HTTP POST method (in UTF-8 encoding). You can redirect the payer to the URL received in the response to complete the payment. Also, the URL received in the response can be substituted into the iFrame address.

At the moment of addressing the PayRequest service, an order is created on the IPS Assist side and the payment process actually begins (from this moment the payment timeout is counted). Therefore, the time interval between the call to the PayRequest service and the direct redirection of the payer should be minimal. It is best to call PayRequest just before redirecting the payer (or opening the iFrame).

The request URL for the payment data transfer: https://<SERVER_NAME>/pay/payrequest.cfm

The list of parameters is completely equivalent to the list of authorization request parameters.

In the response a data packet in JSON format is sending, which contains the following parameters:




full url for redirecting the payer or substitution in the iFrame address

time for payment (time out)

status of the request to create an order in IPS Assist (In Process or Decline)

An example of a response when an order was created successfully:

{"url": "", "expirationtime":"07.07.2018 16:37:53", "orderstate": "In Process"}

If the order was created successfully, the value of the order status "In Process" is always returned, and only when such a status is received, you can use the URL returned by the service to redirect the payer or substitute it in the iFrame address.

An example of an error response:

{"URL":"", "expirationtime":"07.07.2018 13:37:53", 'orderstate": "Decline"}

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